關於靚湯工坊 Soup Workshop
所有餐點只按標準份量、食材及製作流程出餐,所有可處理的特別要求均可於選單內選擇,其他特別要求例如選單內沒有的選擇或任何客戶備註,將一律不會有效及被處理 | All meals are only served according to the standard portion, ingredients and production process. All special requirements that can be processed can be selected in the menu. Other special requirements such as choices not in the menu or any customer notes will not be valid and processed.全單15%折扣
菜乾紅蘿蔔玉米豬骨湯 Dried Vegetables Carrot & Corn Pork Bone Soup
$68.00鮑魚花菇螺頭燉雞湯 Braised Chicken Soup with Abalone, Mushrooms and Conch Head
$108.00陳皮冬瓜燉鴨腿湯 Tangerine Peels & Winter Melon Duck Soup
$128.00紅棗燉雞湯 Red Dates Chicken Soup
$128.00杏汁金腿燉豬肺湯 Stewed pork lung soup with golden leg in apricot juice
$108.00花生蓮藕章魚雞腳湯 Peanut Lotus Root Octopus Chicken Feet soup
$68.00人蔘燉雞湯 Ginseng Chicken Soup
$128.00桃膠燉雪耳 Stewed Peach Gum with Snow Fungus 340g
$68.00粉葛赤小豆鯪魚湯 Fen Ge Chi Adzuki Bean Dace Soup
$68.00椰子雪耳瘦肉湯 Coconut Snow Fungus Lean Meat Soup
老火湯系列 Daily Soup
菜乾紅蘿蔔玉米豬骨湯 Dried Vegetables Carrot & Corn Pork Bone Soup
$68.00花生蓮藕章魚雞腳湯 Peanut Lotus Root Octopus Chicken Feet soup
$68.00粉葛赤小豆鯪魚湯 Fen Ge Chi Adzuki Bean Dace Soup
$68.00椰子雪耳瘦肉湯 Coconut Snow Fungus Lean Meat Soup
燉湯系列 Stew Soup
鮑魚花菇螺頭燉雞湯 Braised Chicken Soup with Abalone, Mushrooms and Conch Head
$108.00陳皮冬瓜燉鴨腿湯 Tangerine Peels & Winter Melon Duck Soup
原隻鴨腿 whole Duck Leg$128.00紅棗燉雞湯 Red Dates Chicken Soup
原隻雞脾 Whole Chicken Drumstick$128.00人蔘燉雞湯 Ginseng Chicken Soup
原隻雞脾 Whole Chicken Drumstick$128.00杏汁金腿燉豬肺湯 Stewed pork lung soup with golden leg in apricot juice
$108.00章魚節瓜燉瘦肉湯 Octopus & Marrow Gourd in Lean Meat Soup
$88.00海參姬松茸栗子燉排骨湯 Sea Cucumber Agaricus and Chestnut Stewed Pork Rib Soup
$108.00花膠蟲草花燉竹絲雞湯花膠蟲草花燉竹絲雞湯 Stewed Bamboo Silk Chicken Soup with Flower Maw and Cordyceps
$108.00花旗參石燉乳鴿湯 Stewed Pigeon Soup with American Ginseng Stone
$108.00蟲草花燉雞湯 Cordyceps Flower Chicken Soup
原隻雞脾 Whole Chicken Drumstick$128.00佛跳牆燉湯 Steamed Assorted Meats in Chinese Casserole
油菜 Vegetable
白菜仔 Bok Choy
$36.00生菜 Lettuce
$36.00娃娃菜 Baby Dishes
$36.00小棠菜 Xiaotangcai
一口沙嗲 Baby Satay
沙嗲牛肉串 Satay Beef 3串
$78.00沙嗲雞肉串 Satay Chicken 3串
$48.00沙嗲雞肉串 Satay Chicken 1串
$18.00沙嗲雞肉串 Satay Chicken 6串
$92.00沙嗲豬肉串 Satay Pork 1串
$18.00沙嗲豬肉串 Satay Pork 3串
$48.00沙嗲豬肉串 Satay Pork 6串
$92.00沙嗲牛肉串 Satay Beef 1串
$28.00沙嗲牛肉串 Satay Beef 6串
$138.00沙嗲羊肉串 Satay Lamb 1串
$28.00沙嗲羊肉串 Satay Lamb 3串
$78.00沙嗲羊肉串 Satay Lamb 6串
小食 Snacks
炸魚蛋 5粒 Fried Fish Balls 5pcs
$26.00墨魚丸 5粒 Cuttlefish Balls 5 Pcs
$26.00貢丸 5粒 Tribute Balls 5pcs
$26.00牛丸 5粒 Beef Balls 5pcs
$26.00豬肉丸 5粒 Pork balls 5pcs
糖水 Dessert
杏仁糊 Almond paste
$28.00紫米喳咋 Chaja In Purple Rice
$42.00桃膠燉雪耳 Stewed Peach Gum with Snow Fungus 340g
$68.00紅豆沙 Red bean paste
$28.00芝麻糊 Sesame paste
$28.00楊枝甘露Mango Sago Dessert With Pomelo
$68.00核桃糊 Walnut paste
$28.00紫米露 Purple rice dew
$28.00綠豆沙 Green bean paste
$28.00三色藜麥南瓜小米露 Tri-Color Quinoa Pumpkin Coconut Milk
$28.00杏汁桃膠雪燕西米露 Dessert With Almond Juice, Gum Karaya, Prunus Persica & Sago
$68.00紅棗雪蓮子燉木瓜 Dessert With Papaya, Red Dates & Fruit Of Gleditsia Sinensis
$68.00蘆薈雪耳杞子燉雪梨 Dessert With Pear, Aloe Vera, White Fungus & Dried Wolfberry
$68.00桑寄生蓮子桂圓蛋茶 Dessert with Parasitic Loranthus, Dried Longan, Lotus Seed & Egg
飲品 Drink
罐裝 Canned$16.00ZERO 可樂 Coke ZERO
罐裝 Canned$16.00雪碧 Sprite
罐裝 Canned$16.00芬達橙汁 Fanta Orange Juice
罐裝 Canned$16.00玉泉忌廉 Schweppes Cream Soda
罐裝 Canned$16.00Zero 雪碧 (罐裝) Zero Sprite (Canned)
$16.00芬達提子汁 (罐裝) Fanta Raisin Juice (Canned)
其他 Others
白飯 Rice